Thanksgiving break
For thanksgiving break i was at home because it was raining a lot so i didn't want to go out. When it wasn't raining i went to the santa monica pier so from there we’d go to the mall. At the mall we just got my brother his iphone and also bought lots of cloths. I also went to city walk just to walk around and see what there is to buy. I met one of my aunt in law's mom. A movie i watched was arrival that movie was lit it's about when spaceships land in 12 different locations. A sport event i played was the quarter finals and we won the other team so we advance to the next round. I also watches the madrid derby which is real madrid vs atletico madrid. In that game real madrid won. Something else i did was eat food together as family and we were all together which is something that rarely ever happens because not everyone can make it to a family reunion.

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